Information and General Rules for Anglers at Ladybower Fisheries

  • Season, daily, morning, afternoon and concessionary permits will be issued.

  • Season tickets will entitle the holder to fish on any day during the validity of the permit

  • All fishing permits are available from the Ladybower Fisheries Office, Ashopton Road, Bamford, S33 0AZ, Tel: 01433 659712. All payments to be made payable to Ladybower Fisheries. Please provide two passport sized photographs for Season Permits only.

  • Each permit shall bear the name(s) in whose favour it is issued and is non-transferable.

  • Fishing is allowed every day (during the season) from dawn until dusk.

  • Boat fishing is generally available from 8.30am to 6pm every day during the season. Times may vary due to weather conditions and seasonal changes.

  • Fishing shall be from the banks of the reservoir, float tubes or from the fishery owned boats but is not permitted from the dam wall or pipes/bridges. Fishing from the boat jetty and casting platform is at the discretion of the fishery and anglers on these structures must be wearing suitable life vests.

  • Any angler holding a current permit to fish and having taken fish to the limit for that day, may purchase a further permit whereupon they may take further fish up to the limit appropriate to that permit. This does not affect continued catch and release.

  • No fish shall be taken measuring less than 10 inches from the lip to the cleft of the tail. Any undersized fish caught should be carefully returned to the water making sure that the minimum of injury occurs to the fish. Brown trout, pike and other coarse fish must also be carefully returned.

  • Before leaving Ladybower waters, anglers must enter any fish taken on the catch returns card provided. Estimates are acceptable if no scales are available. These cards must be returned to the fishery office or placed in the catch returns boxes around the fishery. In the interests of anglers, it is essential that such records of fish taken are returned to the company in order to determine future stocking numbers. Nil returns are also required.

  • Each fishing permit shall allow the use of one rod and one line only. No casting rod or fixed spool reel, thread, line or bubble float shall be allowed with the exception of Accessibility customers where necessary.

  • Fishing shall be with natural or artificial fly only. Bottom fishing, the use of worms, maggots or any other kind of edible or groundbait is strictly prohibited and any angler found infringoing these rules shall (without prejudice to the company’s rights under these regulations) have their current permit revoked, receive no further permit to fish and may be liable to prosecution and reported to the relevant environmental authorities.

  • An ordinary landing net, but no other type of net, may be used

  • The gutting or scaling of fish into the reservoir is strictly prohibited.

  • Anglers must dispose of used fishing line ONLY in the ALRS bin provided at the fishery office or take it home with them for disposal on their own property. Discarded hooks and flies should also be removed from boats and reservoir banks for safe disposal.

  • Any person fishing or about to fish should produce their permit when asked to do so by an EA or Police officer, an officer or servant of Ladybower Fisheries or another permit holder (who at the same time shows their permit). They shall also, if required to do so by the above, show the contents of their fishing basket, bag and/or pockets.

  • You must have a current EA Fishing Licence. It is the sole responsibility of the angler to ensure they are fishing legally. Licences are available at

Information for Boat and Float Tube Anglers at Ladybower Fisheries

  • Payment of the hire charge must be made before boats are taken out. At the discretion of the fishery manager, advance day bookings may be made at the fishery office. Such bookings may be made void if not claimed in person an hour after hiring time. Bookings and hiring are not transferable.

  • Buoyancy aids must be worn on landing stages, casting platform, boats and float tubes at all times.

  • Suitable footwear must be worn.

  • Boats are not permitted in the shaded areas indicated on fishery maps. Maps are on the rear face of the day tickets and on the wall in the fishery office.

  • Oars may not be used while any person in the boat is fishing.

  • Boats are not allowed to be beached at any point around the reservoir aside from the boat jetty. Failure to comply with this regulation will see the boats occupants removed from then water and possibly denied a permit on future visits to the fishery.

  • Trolling, trailing or trawling are not permitted by boat anglers.

  • Anglers in boats must give precedence to those fishing from the banks, casting pontoons and float tubes.

  • On no account should boat anglers interfere with or cast into the fish rearing cages.

  • Failure of the hirer to return the boat to the landing stage adjacent to the fishery office by the specified time may result in the hirer being refused subsequent use of boats.

  • A maximum of 3 persons are allowed in one boat, only two of whom may fish at any one time.

  • The use of boats may be suspended at any time at the discretion of the fishery manager. Anglers who have hired boats must return them to the landing stage if instructed to do so, even if part of the hiring period is unexpired. On such an occasion, at the discretion of the fishery manager, a credit note, but not mandatory, refund may be given.

  • The hirer of the boat or float tube will be held responsible for any damage or loss to any boat, float tube or buoyancy aid on loan to them, or to any structure on or adjacent to the reservoir caused by a boat of float tube or its users while the vessel is in their charge.

  • Boats must be returned in a clean and tidy condition.

  • Take care when embarking and disembarking from the boats and float tubes. Step on or off the boats first before any equipment is passed to the boat partner.

  • Anglers must remain seated while the boat is in motion under power and are also advised to do so whilst fishing.

  • Please notify staff of any life jackets that have inflated and need recharging.

  • In case of an emergency or adverse weather conditions the beaching of the boat will be authorised. Use the anchor rope to secure the boat to the bank to reduce any damage, then contact a member of staff immediately using the numbers on your permit or on the boat itself.

  • Float tubes should be in pairs as a minimum and must stay within visual distance of the fishery office or Ladybower Bay.

  • Float tubes should disinfect at the fishery office prior to launch.

General Information

  • No litter, remnants of food or other rubbish should be left around the banks or margins of the reservoirs or The River Derwent.

  • Permit holders are particularly warned against lighting fires or BBQs on any part of the company’s property. These are prohibited at all times in the High Peaks. Care should also be observed when extinguishing cigarettes to prevent grass fires. Permit holders will be held responsible for any damage caused as a result of failing to follow this directive.

  • Legal proceedings will be taken against anybody found damaging the banks, shrubs, trees, fences or any other property of the company.

  • No person shall interfere with wild birds or their nests.

  • Anglers are warned that it is their duty to take care and not risk injury to other anglers, officers or servants of the company or members of the public in practicing their sport. Anglers will be held solely responsible for any accident or injury that may result by neglecting this warning.

  • The Ladybower Reservoir is used for supplying water for domestic consumption. It is therefore essential that every precaution be taken against polluting the waters or banks of the reservoir. The attention of all anglers is drawn to this primary purpose and to the possibility that fishing rights may be withdrawn if it’s abused.

  • Ladybower Fisheries reserves the right to cancel or refuse the issue of a permit to any person without giving any reason for so doing.

  • These rules and regulations are subject to review by Ladybower Fisheries at any time.

In Case of An Emergency

  • There is no public telephone in the fishery office but the duty manager’s phone may be used in an emergency.

  • First Aid kit and Defibrillator equipment is available at the fishery office and on the Rangers Boat.

  • Please report all accidents to the duty manager immediately